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Coming soon!

Coming soon! will be an online knowledge mobilization hub created by Dr. Kyle Kirkup (Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa), Dr. Lee Airton (Faculty of Education, Queen’s University), and their research team. The goal of is to provide legal information on gender expression human rights issues, with the goal of realizing an expansive view of the ground’s applicability. Human rights tribunals across Canada have rendered decisions that rely on tribunal members’ interpretations of whether or not a claimant is transgender, which may run counter to expansive interpretive approaches conferred on rights-conferring instruments, and which ultimately subsume gender expression under gender identity.

Recognizing that gender expression is a new ground in the Ontario Human Rights Code (added in 2012),’s resources will provide legal information on ‘gender expression’ decisions that predates the passage of Toby’s Act. For legal professionals representing clients who are claiming gender expression discrimination, will provide educational materials in support of the ground’s expansive interpretation. For legal professionals working in institutions, will provide educational materials on how institutions might proactively change policies and procedures to better accord with the new human rights law environment. For members of the public interested in pursuing a gender expression human rights claim, will provide legal information.

Please note that does not provide legal advice for a specific legal problem.